Emily Dyck

Emily is originally from Fort St. John, BC. After obtaining her law degree from the University of Victoria in 2019, she articled with a municipal law firm in Victoria and was called to the BC Bar in October 2020. Prior to attending law school, she graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. She is currently building a practice in civil litigation, with a focus on insurance law.

During law school, Emily was a part of the McIntyre Moot Team, competed at the Canadian National Negotiation Competition, and completed a semester at The Law Centre, a UVic Law program that allows students to take on files for low-income clients under the supervision of practicing lawyers. She also volunteered with Pro Bono Students Canada. Emily has appeared before the Provincial Court in Master’s chambers, remand court, and in small claims proceedings.

Outside of work, Emily enjoys participating in variety of team sports, reading, and spending time with friends and family.

Contact Emily
236-521-7804 ext 114
Email Emily Dyck

Paralegal: Lisa Lai llai@bekkeringyork.com
Assistant: Cariza Doubell cdoubell@bekkeringyork.com